The Kanji SITE is back. I found this kanji study resource ages ago but the guy who maintains it let the project sit fallow for a few years, so the site only covered the JLPT kanji up to Level 2. The resurrected site features a blog and a bookshop and the developer aims to have the Level 1 kanji added but given there are a lot of them don't hold your breath.
The Kanji SITE is all about the Chinese characters. They are laid out in JLPT order and in batches. Click on any kanji within a batch and via Javascripty wizardry up pops the reading, meaning and sample compound words. If you want to print out lists of kanji to stick up in the toilet (making use of those spare moments) The Kanji SITE makes this very easy. On the down side the readings are given in romaji - if you are studying kanji you should already be weaned off romaji (if indeed you were ever romaji-breastfed) and anyone studying level 3 or Level 2 needs to be able to read the kana fast, which means reading kana as much as possible. I found that some of the kanji info links didn't work but given the site has only just come back from the dead this is to be expected. Pretty design too.

Posted by: Lina Hazem | March 01, 2013 at 10:32 PM
KanjiSite is not working anymore. They ported it to another link :
Posted by: kissa | April 03, 2013 at 02:26 PM