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February 28, 2007


César Motohiro Ujihara

Good site, I didn't know about it, I think you will like this other one.

red mask

I got "About 1900-2000 characters".


I enjoyed your presentation at the JET Conference. That site was remarkably inspirational. We spoke briefly after your first presentation but having almost no formal education in Japanese, I've always been under the assumption that I know very few kanji. However, a quick and honest run through the test (ie. not knowing a character upon glance counted as a skip) showed me that I have approximately 1,100 characters under my belt which is something I never even imagined as I never really sat down and went through what I do or don't know. You may want to suggest this to self-learners having a hard time assessing where they stand. Thank you for the resource!



Glad you enjoyed the presentation and thanks for the comment. I think you have just demonstrated the whole point I made about finding out what you do and don't know - until you actually assess yourself you will never know, and once you do make that assessment you may be pleasantly surprised and give your motivation a real boost.




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