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May 05, 2007



I have used Audacity with much success in the past. With both my tapes and cassette player in bad condition, it helped to clean up the hiss in the raw wav files before converting. Audacity has a low-pass filter that does a great job with this. You just need to play with the tradeoff between less hiss and a slightly more muddled sound.

Also, make sure to monitor the sound levels during the recording phase, so that the sounds are not surpassing the capacity of the sound card, which leads to "clipping." if it's too high, adjust the Line In or Microphone input slider, or turn down the volume on the cassette player (if you're using the headphone jack). It is better to capture the sound too low and then adjust the aplitude upward, than to have a lot of distortion due to clipping.


I can't believe you've been using Nihongo Journal so long you have cassette tapes. ;)


We children of the seventies have a hard time letting go of old technology. I can still recall the demise of eight-tracks and betamax ;)

(BTW My tiny Suzuki Alto from 1998 only had a tape player, so Iucky for me NJ was so low-tech. )


So, can we convince you to upload these files anywhere? My email address is right there...


Hi, wouldn't share the files with us?


That would be naughty!

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