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July 04, 2007



Don't you be speaking ill of the cheese now you hear me! It may have smelled like a rotting wolf, but its appearance to taste ratio was greater than the grand master monja-yaki itself! The cheese honoured your house with its presence, as did I.

But no arguments on the site you speak of. I have bought exactly two DS kanji games based on their recommendations alone.


Nice...there better not be another "Update!" from now on. Just kidding. Was *just yesterday* having a nice chin-stroke on getting a DS w/language software, so thanks for the heads-up on Naruhodo. ああ,なるほどね!


Thanks for the kind words and the introduction, Will! Everybody going through to Naruhodo! should know that Nihongojouzu served as the inspiration for me creating a site of my own and continues to feed the fire!

You bring up a good point about my liberal spreading of kanji throughout the site. I always struggle between the ease of readability (for those who can read it) using kanji and the cluttered, yet easier to read method of using hiragana and/or romaji readings. Such is the burden of the Japanese blogger, I guess.

I should probably put up some info about rikaichan...


Thanks for this good information. this is a really good blog. http://www.narutohits.com

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